April was not as busy as March. The boys and I went to Ely for a week. We went to lunch with my Mom, or Alex, or Grama Belle every day. It was fun spending time with Grama B, she's so funny and skinny! She joined up with weight watchers and reached her goal weight at age 80! She's so awesome. Anyway it was pretty cold up there still, but we did manage to go to the duck pond a few times. It was s funny because the boys were trying to chase away the disgusting pigeons so they wouldn't eat the "duck bread". Some of you may know of my aversion and ever growing hatred for birds. If you don't know, well, I really don't like birds. So you know why I appreciate my son wanting to step on the pigeon rather than asking for one for a pet!

Jace throwing the "duck bread".

Jesse thought he would scare the pigeons by yelling at them to leave. It didn't even affect the disgusting scavengers.

This is my favorite. This dumb pigeon wouldn't leave so Jace said, " I'll just step on him." But he really couldn't get close enough to actually do it. Jesse still trying his yelling method.

Jace got mad at the goose it was being mean to a smaller, rather dirty, and ugly little duck. But Jace still liked the ugly duck better than the goose.
1 comment:
Ha Ha Ha! I guess you're passing your love of birds on to the kids.
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